Blog Archives

We had the singularity quite some time ago

Not everyone noticed. It wasn’t the rapture of the nerds with weakly god like artificial intelligence being created and then boosting itself even higher. It wasn’t the creation of true artificial brains or the internet becoming self aware or anything

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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest men of our time and any other. Yes he had flaws, everyone does. What he had more than anyone else was integrity, compassion and an unwavering to do the right thing for his

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Nimby greens

EDF are planning to build a wind farm not that far from where I live. I am not opposed to wind farms as such. They are a low carbon energy source thats relatively cheap. Yes they don’t alway generate electric

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Permanent Austerity

Or as its otherwise known “I am all right Jack, so fuck you”. That evil, lying, cunt Cameron has stood up at the Lord Mayors dinner in his white tie after a nice big meal and announced that the government

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The New Working Class

Not that long ago most people working in Britain made things. They hit things with hammers, bolted stuff together, wove and machined stuff. As most of the work was on a production line it was hard, repetitive and meaningless. The

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The difference between European greens and American greens

It seems to me that green movements in Europe and America broadly speaking have the same ideals but have one core difference. Americans still have the concept of the frontier, something which hasn’t existed in Europe for a thousand years

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“Sustainability” and “Green” business

Today I was reading the Guardian whilst enjoying a sausage sandwich in the local cafe with my wife as I normally do on a Saturday morning. Amongst the usual sections was a cunningly disguised advertising section called “Ethical and Green

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Kick out the Jamms Motherfuckers

I had a bit of fun today at work. One of my colleagues is a really nice guy. Left leaning, green etc. He is probably a little further down the autistic spectrum than most but as I work in IT

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If there is hope it lies with the computers

I read this article this morning on the NASDAQ stock exchange in New York going down for a few hours. The comments are as usual better than the article. There are the usual jokes about Skynet and Terminators, conspiracy theories, Chinese

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A good walk in the countryside ruined

On Saturday my wife was working so I decided to go for a good long walk in the Hampshire countryside near my house. I planned my route using an Ordinance Survey map and off I went. Within 200 metres of

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