Kick out the Jamms Motherfuckers

I had a bit of fun today at work.

One of my colleagues is a really nice guy. Left leaning, green etc. He is probably a little further down the autistic spectrum than most but as I work in IT he fits in really well.

There are a couple of Tory bastards (one of whom is one of the fattest guys I have ever seen and as I said I work in IT) who always pick on him when they are bored and have a go at his politics.

They were laying into him today and he said the immortal line. “Why are you always picking on me”.

I turned round and said “Because they haven’t seen whats on my t shirt yet.” This is the t shirt I had on. The fat fuck of a ring leader turned round and said, “Whats that” and I just said “A Black Flag”. They looked very sheepish and beat their retreat, probably to google it.

I might have flexed my physical muscles as well as my political ones too… and I am a big guy. It was worth it to see the look on their fat, ugly faces.

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